bourchier close timber frame

bourchier close timber frame

Work is progressing well at our Bourchier Close site in Sevenoaks. The timber frame install is nearing completion. We have started first fix of electrical and plumbing works to the basement and expect to continue into the main house in the coming weeks.
new project alert!

new project alert!

Our new project is well underway in Hildenborough. We are renewing the fencing to 2 sides of the garden as well as installing additional fencing, gates and sleeper to tidy up planted areas and around the clients chicken coup. Due to our positive start we are now also...
Meet the new team member!

Meet the new team member!

Meet the newest member of the Oaks Developments team! An 8 week old German wire haired Pointer named Bosch. His name came from his love for watching the washing machine spin round and round. Bosch will be mainly office based, but also accompanying the team on site...